Category: Events

4 Days until we launch down the Alaska & Stuart Cassiar Highways.  So far, the snow is holding off and Tourvanasaurus Rex (Rexy for short) is running smooth, and sounding badass.

We just got back from the Arts Northwest conference in Eugene, OR, and should see some more US dates coming, which is pretty awesome.  Speaking of US dates, we’re kicking off this tour in Seattle at the Funhouse.  It’s going to be a full on night of rock! Oct 20!

Launching into a week of school shows, before heading to Alberta for a couple dates before making our way back across to Vancouver.  Stops in Edmonton, Calgary, Revelstoke, Kelowna, and the back in Van for a few more schools, then north to begin work on our next album! (Coming 2019)

Check our shows here on our website or on our facebook.  Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube (speedcontrolyukon) and follow us on Spotify.  Rock on peoples of the world!